About Membership

Membership Benefits

The National Partnership Against Modern Slavery is a closed community that can only be accessed by approved members.

Membership is free and brings you the unprecedented opportunity to connect and collaborate with professionals around Australia and across different sectors on modern slavery. Whether you are interested in victim/survivor support, research, advocacy or other areas, membership allows you to:

  • Exchange knowledge,
  • Discover resources,
  • Develop networks, and
  • Problem-solve
with other members and experts within the modern slavery space.

Who Can Join

Currently, we are only accepting members from community and frontline service staff, as well as public sector stakeholders. Examples include non-profit and civil society organisations, advocacy groups, community groups, academics, researchers, trade unions, non-business peak bodies and associations, healthcare providers, education providers, policy officers and law enforcement. Membership is currently closed to business and private sector stakeholders.

We welcome individuals and organisations who work outside of the modern slavery space, including sectors such as domestic and family violence, migration and refugees, women’s rights, labour issues, health, education and child protection.

To request to join the National Partnership, please register here.